Sales Conditions


This website (hereinafter the “Site”) is operated by Bellissi, which is registered under the number 327160818 in Israel. Its registered office is situated at Jerusalem - ISRAEL.

Bellissi may be contacted by email at the following email address: « ». The communications shall be made by writing either in French or in English. These Terms & Conditions (hereinafter the “Terms & Conditions”) shall apply to orders placed on the Site by any natural person without business purposes (hereinafter the “User”) wishing to make a purchase on the Site. The User and Bellissi are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”.

Parties agree that the Terms & Conditions govern exclusively their relationship. Bellissi reserves itself the right to modify the Terms & Conditions at any time. The Parties shall only be bound by the Terms & Conditions which are online the day the order is placed.


The Terms & Conditions aim to define the selling terms between Bellissi and the User, from the order’s placement until the after-sale services, through payment and delivery. The Terms & Conditions are available in English and French depending on the User’s choice.


The Terms & Conditions apply to products which are displayed and indicated as being sold and dispatched by Bellissi (hereinafter the “Products).

The Products are described and displayed as accurately as possible. However, in the event of an error or omission, Bellissi shall not be held liable.

Products’ photographs are non-binding.


Products’ prices are displayed in Euros (€) and US Dollars ($), inclusive of Value Added Tax at the rate in force the day the contract is concluded. They also include the possible price reductions applicable the day the order is placed.

This price does not include the delivery charges (shipping and packing costs according to the appropriate tariff). These delivery costs shall be indicated on the order form before the order’s confirmation.

The order shall be subject to customs duties and/or taxes (this includes possible local taxes) which must be paid by the User. In such a case, the User shall only be charged by Bellissi with the price of his/her order exclusive of tax. Please note that Bellissi is not capable of determining in advance the amount of these taxes. In this respect, the User is advised to contact his/her national Customs Office to check the latest applicable local requirements in his/her country.

The Products’ prices quoted on the Site are valid as long as they are online.


5.1 Preliminary identification of the User.

In order to place an order, the User has to login in with his/her email address or his/her customer number as well as his/her password. If it is his/her first order, the User shall follow a registration procedure as indicated on the Site.

If the user loses or forgets his/her password, he/she shall ask for it again by logging in to his/her customer account and by clicking on “I’ve forgotten my password”. He/she shall receive it on the email address he/she would have provided at the time he/she had registered. 

The User may also contact the Customer Service under the conditions laid down in the Preamble.

5.2 Registration and confirmation of the order

The User shall exclusively place his/her order online, through the Site.

After confirming his/her order, the User shall accept the Terms & Conditions, choose the delivery’s address and finally confirm his/her payment. This final step amounts to the completion of the sale contract between Bellissi and the User.

By placing an order, the User agrees on the Products’ prices and description offered for sale. Any complaint about this shall intervene through the exercise of the right of withdrawal and through the legal and contractual guarantees as mentioned below.

Bellissi reserves itself the right to freeze the User’s order in the event of a non-payment, an incorrect (shipping) address or any other problems occurring on his/her account until the problem is solved.

If the Product which has been ordered and paid is unavailable from stock (temporary unavailability or sold-out), the User shall receive an e-mail informing him/her of this unavailability. If the Product is sold-out, it shall be canceled and removed from the order and the User shall be fully refunded. However, the rest of the order shall remain firm and final.

For any inquiry relating to an order’s tracking, the User shall check his/her customer account on the Site or contact the Customer Service. After receiving the email confirming his/her order’s dispatch, the User can track it.

5.3 Order’s acknowledgment by Bellissi.

Bellissi shall acknowledge the User’s order by email sent to the email address which he/she would have previously provided.


Bellissi guarantees the payments’ confidentiality and security which the User would have made. in that case, All data transmitted on website uses the "https" protocol and the "SSL" (Secure Socket Layer) encryption system. As such you can find a padlock in the address bar of our site attesting the presence of these security features on the site. The User shall pay his/her purchase online exclusively:

- by payment card: Blue cards, e-cards, Visa, Mastercard. The User’s bank account shall be deducted once the item has been dispatched. Only the price of the actual dispatched Products shall be deducted.

- with his/her PayPal account: By choosing to pay with his/her PayPal account, the User shall automatically be redirected to his/her PayPal's account. Once his/her PayPal payment confirmed, the User will be able to put an end to his/her order on the Site. The User’s PayPal account shall be deducted straight after the final confirmation of the order.


The parcel shall be delivered to the delivery address provided by the User.


Until 50 Euros

More than 50 Euros



Free Delivery

Europe (non-EU)


Free Delivery

USA / Canada


Free Delivery



Free Delivery

South America


Free Delivery


The User may withdraw from the contract within fifty (15) days beginning on the day he/she received his/her parcel. In this respect, the User is entitled to get a full refund of his/her order’s price. He/ she does not have to justify his/her wish to cancel but he/she shall fill the return form attached to his/her invoice. He/she shall only bear the direct costs of returning the goods unless otherwise stated in the User’s country of residence.

Bellissi commits itself to refund the User as quickly as possible, at the latest within thirty (30) days beginning on the day Bellissi receives the returned order. In any case, Bellissi shall refund the costs of the item using the same method by which the User paid for them. Thus, if the User paid by payment card, Bellissi shall credit the sum back to his/her (bank) account. If the User used his/her PayPal account to proceed with the payment, his/her PayPal account shall be


All the products sold by Bellissi are subject to strict quality controls. However and despite our great care, some items might turn to be defective. In such an event, the User is kindly asked to return the said items within fifty (15) days of the parcel’s receipt, specifying the type of defect on the return form attached to the invoice. Furthermore, the User enjoys the statutory protection of the Consumer law in force in his/her country which may be more favorable.


Bellissi commits itself to describe and display as accurately as possible every product sold on the Site. However, Bellissi cannot be held liable where the failure to perform its obligations is due to an unforeseeable and insurmountable event caused by a third party to the contract or by a case of force majeure. Similarly, Bellissi cannot be held liable for any inconvenience or damages caused by the use of the Internet network, i.e. an interruption of the service, an external intrusion, or the presence of computer viruses. Bellissi cannot be held liable for the breach of any provision which would be in force in the User's country, towards which it would not have actively targeted its activities, via marketing operations


All the content you see and hear on the Site including underlying technology, are protected under copyright, trademarks or patents. Trademarks, logos and models which are displayed on the Site belong solely and exclusively to Bellissi. Their disclosure does not amount to a license granted by Bellissi or a right to use any of the said trademarks and distinctive features protected under copyright. Thus they cannot be used without being counterfeit. Thus, it is strictly forbidden to copy, reproduce, download, post, transfer or distribute any document which comes from the Site, in anyways.

However, this shall be authorized under the following circumstances: it is possible to download a copy of these documents on a computer for a strictly personal and non-commercial use provided that the User does not change the information and keep the copyrights and other proprietary notices intact. The modification or the misuse of these documents amounts to a breach of the Intellectual Property rights of Bellissi.

Where a User, who has his/her own website (for non-commercial use), wishes to include a link to the homepage of the Site, he/she shall be obliged to seek the authorization of Bellissi before doing so. This shall not amount to an implicit this shall not amount to a transfer or assignment of right, title or interest in any content or materials.

However, any hypertext link to the Site which uses the “framing” and the “in-line linking” techniques is strictly forbidden. In any case, any link may be removed on simple request of Bellissi.


In an attempt to perform efficiently its obligations, Bellissi must collect certain personal information about the User (surname, first name, email address and home address). By giving to Bellissi his/her email address, the User will be able to receive an email acknowledging his/her orders. Bellissi strives to ensure the confidentiality and security of the data transmitted on the Web. In this respect, please note that the website Bellissi uses a secure payment mode, called Secure Socket Layer (SSL).


The Terms & Conditions are governed and construed in accordance with Israeli law. Contracts concluded through the Site as well as any dispute arising out from them shall be governed by Israeli law. An amicable solution (through an ombudsman system) shall be considered before any judicial remedies. In the event where this solution would fail, the Israeli Tribunals shall have a non-exclusive jurisdiction to hear these disputes.